Sunday, July 6, 2008

Testosterone: Cost/Benefit Analysis

As an alpha-male with heavy emphasis on beta brainwaves as a means of thought, I have struggled with the control of that crazy hormone, testosterone. With beta thought process, I tend to deal with my daily activities in a speedy and sometimes incessant manner. When you add testosterone to this process, you may become somewhat overbearing. On the other hand, this extra hormonal boost may yield intense thoughts of unparralleled nature. These attributes can be a cost or a benefit given certain situations. {Potential Cost or Benefit}
As a young man, I find myself constantly under the spell of this tantalizing natural opiate. Along with my youth, my Italian genetic background may shed more insight into the world of controlling my little hormones. Yes, we Italians are known to be quick to hostility, but most fail to realize that we only react this way when we are threatened. Did Mussolini feal threatened? I believe maybe (A discussion for another blog). Did we not slave in subpar jobs for decades in the major cities of the US with little or no government support when we first arrived? Of course we did. Were the streets of Brooklyn littered with poverty and crime when the Italians ran things, no matter how stern the operations were? I have heard from my wise grandfather that it was like heaven for Italians and other godly peoples. Currently, Brooklyn figuratively resembles the aftermath of an atomic bomb under the African-American rule. By the way, I love African-Americans, they make even the simplest things so much more exciting and captivating. Do Italians have sadistic grape vines that wrap their vines around the necks of their creators? No. But, I can virtually assure you, my fellow bloggers, that we are no more hostile than a wild bear with no toilet paper. I hope that makes you feel safer the next time you visit Little Italy or maybe a classic Italian delicattesen. Testosterone abundance in our veins allows us to react with fervid force. If power we come to harness, boundless our limits are (as the great Yoda might phrase this sentence). {Definite Benefit}
I believe I have cleared Italians from the dark stigma of being overly testosterone-laden, yet I think the proof is up for intelligent-only debate. Not to be a flaccid chalupa in a wet taco, but I absolutely don't want to hear a comment unless some thought and research has been put into it. Comments should be truly objective. Objectivity breeds quality subjectivity. I would love to hear what my thoughtful bloggerites think about this delicate subject matter and more importantly how it pertains to Italian-Americans. I hope you respect my brutal honesty because honestly, I have so much more to bring to this table of roundness in the days, and hopefully months and years to come.
Dan's Final Thought/Advice: If you have had problems controlling yourself, why not be realistic and channel your energy to a creative and logical focus. I personally have found great relief in daily exercise. I utilize strenuous exercise and strict diet regimens to achieve goals, but more importantly to relieve stress and increase my sense of well-being as it surely will with any of you. This activity along with proper diet will increase testosterone activity in your body over time; however, you will be much more suited to control it because of the dedication of daily exercise. Be smart and humble with your powers. Someday, the testosterone flooding your brain may manifest something extraordinary. Adio.