Wednesday, July 9, 2008


Elderly of the world - listen intently. Read between the lines. You are old. You should soon perish. You should either create a bucket list that is so risky you may die in the process of completion, or do not bother involving your pathetic bones in the common activities of capable and competent beings e.g. peoples under 65 +/-.
For instance, driving should be a very serious issue in America. Yet, we have such a high incidence of disasters daily due to many factors. I will exploit one of these problems today. I think you may have deduced that old persons are so inept at all motor-skill-oriented activities. So, let's discuss potential solutions.
Mentally-acute sixteen year-old adolescents should intrinsically be more competent drivers. They still have to overcome the first obstacle of road tests and simplistic exams. Why is it that when you reach a certain age you no longer are obligated to prove your skills as a qualified, licensed driver? This is so simple, but I guess it has much to do with so many "olds-mobiles" in public office and high-ranking government positions. Change via influence must come from a young black man - Barack (Hussein) Obama. Or at least from the mindset of a much younger individual than the paleolithic-era future president - Johnny (Be) Mccain. I'm digressing into politics of presidential concern now. Damn you senile mother f'ers. Now, even the great Daniel J. is losing his train of thought.
Let's keep today's blog concise and quite simple due to the sensitive subject matter. Create a law that inundates all "olds-mobiles" at a specified age into maybe monthly driving tests because how quickly these folks deteriorate mentally and physically and in libido. I would even venture a step further and state that there should be no room for driving any vehicle besides a golf cart past one of the "ages of no return" because I am diametrically opposed to them slowing down the roads in general. And for you old Italians, eat as much spaghetti as you can voraciously devour down your throats because those carbohydrates are going to keep you miles ahead of the game as elderly drivers. Adio.

1 comment:

Ken said...

Good job with the blog Dan. Keep up the efforts!

Relating to this post, I strongly agree that something must be done to better manage those on the road who are incapable of driving because of age or any other reason. Did you see that South Park when the town was overrun with terrible old-people drivers? Quality.

However, it is much easier to try to take away the personal and individual freedoms of others when you are not a member of that group. For example, as a non-Italian, I could theoretically support that all Italians must be not allowed into sporting events as they are known for their hot-blooded ways and could therefore make the situation unsafe for others attending the game. I do not advocate this point of view, but one must be very careful when proposing limiting the rights of others.